Diploma in Business Administration UWI Open Campus

Diploma in Business Administration UWI Open Campus

We will accept photocopies of transcripts if certified by the authorizing university or college officer. After submitting your application on EducationPlannerBC you will receive an acknowledgement message from us to your personal email. When you submit your application, you will need to pay an application fee of $50, which gives you the opportunity to apply for 2 programs. You can apply to study this course through the Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre . It will be assessed, and if you are successful you will receive an offer directly through QTAC. You will need to accept your offer from QTAC before enrolling with TAFE Queensland.
These workers may be within an organisation as well as freelance or contract workers. This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage a range of meetings including overseeing the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, organising the minutes and reporting meeting outcomes. This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead communication in the workplace within any industry. This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop critical and creative thinking skills in others within a workplace context. A BCIT Business Consulting Project provides second year Business Management students the opportunity to work over a 10 week period with an organization to solve a business problem or challenge.
In part 2 you’ll study the same subjects as first-year University students and develop your specialist knowledge of business or commerce. This course provides an overview of how businesses function in general, and specifically reviews business within the Canadian context. The course will also examines the relationships between the organization and its owners, employees, customers, suppliers, governments and the community.
Students study a variety of analytical techniques that can be applied to financial and operational data to support management decisions. This human resources specialty is available on campus in Moose Jaw or through flexible learning options . This business administration certification will discuss essential administrative duties and the role of technology in fulfilling these duties.
This course will allow students to explore social media and its effects on free speech and public discourse in contemporary society. Understanding the natural environment and the geological features and landscapes that shape our world is vital for students to have a greater understanding and respect for others by being more globally and culturally aware. The transformation of Earth as we know it has been a 4.5 billion year marvel in the making. The ever-changing continents, oceans, seas, and geographic landforms continue to reshape our world. Though death is an immutable consequence of life, society's attitudes and reactions to it have been ever-changing. The viewpoint that life is sacrosanct, to be protected at all costs, is now being challenged by individuals demanding greater control of their quality of life, including the right to die.
Coverage includes inventory management, quality management, production planning and demand forecasting. Understanding fungi is critical for a more complete picture of both natural history, as well as historical and current human affairs. Students learn the major groups of fungi most of which are beneficial to humans. Students learn the influence of fungi on historical and cultural activities including art and food.  time and stress management in business  examine the direct involvement of fungi on industrial processes and current medical and biotechnological processes. Students explore the role of fungi as it relates to soil fertility and best practices in agriculture and environmental sustainability.
Students review basic arithmetic and algebra, as well as mathematic tools and concepts required for solving problems found in a business environment. Problem-solving areas include cost-volume-profit analysis, linear functions and systems of equations, index numbers, markup and markdowns, terms of invoicing and business finance. Graduates with a minimum CGPA of 2.7 (B-, 70%) will be eligible for admission to level 3 of the Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management with a modified program of study. Students can expect to complete their degree in 3 years of full-time study.
Topics covered include basic numeracy, percent applications, payroll, tax, and time value of money. This course expands on the student’s introductory level knowledge of spreadsheets and databases. Using Microsoft Excel, students learn advanced Excel features such as charts, logical functions, pivot tables, goal seek, data tables, macros, multiple worksheets, lists, look-up tables, and financial functions. The focus is on using advanced spreadsheet functions accurately and effectively to analyze problems that arise in business. Students gain an in-depth knowledge of the responsibilities and current tools of operations and project management.
Students develop an understanding of the goals of financial management, financial analysis and planning, financial forecasting, working capital management, capital budgeting concepts including present value and cashflow analysis. This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to undertake financial management in an organisation or work area. It includes planning and implementing financial management approaches and supporting and evaluating effectiveness of financial management processes. You will develop a general understanding of the  processes, techniques and issues human resource professionals encounter in developing and administering a total rewards program. You will learn the strategic importance of total rewards and how its issues can impact other areas of human resources. In addition, you will gain an understanding of the impact of contemporary social trends and legislative developments that affect decision making about the design of total rewards programs.
You've already sent digital copies of your transcripts to EducationPlannerBC as part of your CapU application, but we also need physical copies of your official high school, college or university transcripts. When you submit your application, you will need to pay a non-refundable application fee of C$135, which gives you the opportunity to apply for 2 programs. Once you've been accepted into a program, you'll need to start planning your courses.